1LT | First Lieutenant | Met | Meteorological |
2LT | Second Lieutenant | MD | Medical Department |
AA | Antiaircraft | MG | Major General |
AAA | Antiaircraft Artillery | MMG | Cal. 30 machinegun, medium |
AAF | Army Air Forces | MO | Medical officer |
Abn | Airborne | Mort | Mortar |
Acrft | Aircraft | Mot | Motor |
ADC | Aide-de-camp | MP | Military police |
Adj | Adjudant | MSG | Master sergeant |
Admin | Administrative | Msg Ctr | Message center |
AG | Adjudant General | Msgr | Messenger |
AGF | Army Ground Forces | Mtcl | Motorcycle |
Agt | Agent | Mtd | Mounted |
ALO | Air Liaison Officer | Mtr | Motor |
Amb | Ambulance | Mun | Munitions |
Ammo | Ammunition | NCO | Non-commised officer |
Amph | Amphibious | O | Observer |
Aobsr | Air observer | Obsv | Observation |
AR | Automatic Rifle | OP | Observation post |
A/car | Armored Car | Ops | Operations |
Armd | Armored | Opr | Operator |
Arty | Artillery | Ord | Ordnance |
AT | Antitank | P & A | Pioneer & amunition |
Autmv | Automotive | P | Pistol, cal. 45 |
Auto | Automatic | PVF | Private First Class |
AW | Automatic weapons | Pion | Pioneer |
BC | Battery Commander | PIR | Parachute Infantry Regiment |
BG | Brigadier General | Plat | Platoon |
Bde | Brigade | POL | Petroleum, oil & lubricants |
Bn | Battalion | Prcht | Parachute |
Btry | Battery | Ptbl | Portable |
C | Carbine | PVT | Private |
C & R | Command & Recon | POW | Prisoners of war |
Cal | Calibre | PX | Post Exchange |
Cav | Cavalry | QM | Quartermaster |
CC | Combat command | R | Rifle |
CF | Counter fire | R03 | Rifle M1903 |
Cfr | Chauffeur | Rad | Radio |
CG | Commanding General | Rcl | Recoilless |
Ch | Chief | Rcn | Reconnaissance |
CM | Counter mortar | Recon | Reconnaissance |
CO | Commanding officer | Rgt | Regiment |
Co | Company | Rkt | Rocket |
CofS | Chief of Staff | RL | Reel Equiment |
COL | Colonel | RTC | Replacement Training Center |
COE | Cap over engine | RO | Reconnaissance Officer |
Com | Communications | ROTC | Reserve Officers Training Corps |
Cmd | Command | SCR | Set complete radio |
Cmdr | Commander | S | Submachine gun |
CP | Command Post | S1,2,3,4 | Staff sections |
CPL | Corporal | Sct | Scout |
CPT | Captain | SHEAF | Supreme Headquarters Allied |
DC | Dental corps | Expeditionary Force | |
Demo | Demolitions | Sect | Section |
Det | Detachment | SGT | Sergeant |
Div | Division | Sig. | Signal |
DS | Direct Support | SigC | Signal corps |
DZ | Drop Zone | Slt | Searchlight |
EM | Enlisted men | Smbl | Semi mobile |
Engr | Engineer | SNL | Standard nomenclature listing |
ETO | European Theater of Operations | SGM | Sergeant major |
Equip | Equipment | SMG | Submachine gun |
FA | Field artillery | SP | Self propelled |
FAC | Forward air controller | Sqd | Squad |
FDC | Fire direction center | Sqdn | Squadron |
FM | Field manual | SSG | Staff sergeant |
FO | Forward Observer | Sur | Surgeon |
FSG | First Sergeant | Swbd | Switchboard |
Fwd | Forward | TCG | Troop Carrier Group |
G 1 | Assitant chief of staff for personnel | TCS | Troop Carrier Squadron |
G 2 | Assitant chief of staff for Military Intelligence | TCW | Troop Carrier Wing |
G 3 | Assitant chief of staff for Operations & Training | T/BA | Table of basic allowances |
G 4 | Assitant chief of staff for Supply | T/E | Table of equipment |
GIR | Glider Infantry regiment | T/O & E | Table of organization and equipment |
GL | Grenade launcher | T/O | Table of organization |
GN | Generator | Tech 3 | Technician 3rd grade |
Gnr | Gunner | Tech 3 | Technical |
H & S | Headquarters & Service | Tg | Telegraph |
HH | Headquarters & headquarters (Co.) | Tk | Tank |
HHS | HQ, HQ & service | Tlr | Trailer |
HMG | Cal. 50 machingun | Topo | Topography, topographic |
How | Howitzer | Tp opr | Telephone operator |
Hq (HQ) | Headquarters | Tp | Telephone |
H/trk | Half track | Trac | Tractor |
Hvy | Heavy | Trk | Truck |
I & R | Intelligence en Recon | Trp | Troop |
Inf | Infantry | TSG | Technical sergeant |
Inst | Instrument | TT | Teletype |
Intel | Intelligence | Veh | Vehicle |
Lchr | Launcher | USAAF | United States Army Air Forces |
Ldr | Leader | USN | United States Navy |
LMG | Cal. 30 machine gun, light | V-E (Day) | Victory in Europe (8 may 1945) |
Ln O | Liaison Officer | WAAC | Women's Army Auxiliary Corps |
Lt | Light | WAC | Women's Army Corps (juli 1943) |
LTC | Lieutenant colonel | WD | War Department |
LZ | Landing zone | Wkr | Wrecker |
Mac | Medical administrative corps | WO | Warrant officer |
Maint | Maintenance | Wpn | Weapon |
MAJ | Major | WW1 | World War 1 |
ME | Maitenance equipment | WW2 | World War 2 |
Mech | Mechanic | XO | Executive officer |
Med | Medical |