Op 14 Juni 2005 zijn de leden van Band-of-Brothers.nl uitgenodigd om in het Museum Bevrijdende Vleugels te Best een ontmoeting te hebben met de veteranen van Easy Company 506th PIR, 101st Airborne.

De veteranen met hun begeleiding arriveerden rond 11:30 u bij het museum.
Frank Perconte was vergezeld van niemand minder dan James Madio, die in de serie Band of Brothers de rol van Perconte vertolkt. Perconte vertelde dat hij Madio had verzocht hem op deze BOB tour te vergezellen.

De mannen van Easy Company werden door alle aanwezigen hartelijk welkom geheten en waren meer dan geïnteresseerd in aller aanwezigheid, én in het weggeven van handtekeningen.
Voorts vertelden zij uitgebreid over hun ervaringen als Airborne soldaat aan een ieder die daarom vroeg.
Bovendien waren zij bereidwillig om zich voor de alom snorrende camera's voor het nageslacht te laten vastleggen. Sommige veteranen lieten zich zelfs in de opening van een C-47 Dakota fotograferen.

Behalve Frank Perconte waren aanwezig: Shifty Powers, Earl McClung, Hank Zimmerman, Ed Tipper, Bill Maynard, Donald Malarkey, Herbert Suerth, Ed Joint, Buck Taylor, Jim Wingertt, Rod Bain, Norm Nietzke, Roy Sater.

The members of Band-of-Brothers.nl were invited to meet the veterans of Easy Co., 506th PIR, 101st Airborne Division at the Museum Liberating Wings in Best, Holland last Tuesday, 14th June 2005.

The veterans and their entourage arrived around 11.30 at the museum, welcomed by many. The men of Easy Co. were greeted warmly by all those lucky enough to be invited to this event. The veterans were very interested in meeting and talking to as many people as they could and were very willing to autograph a variety of items.

When asked about their experiences as an Airborne trooper theu were also very willing to share their stories. Of course at this age, some have a sharper memory than others. No surprise that many of those present wanted to have their picture taken with one, some or all veterans. The 'band of brothers' did not decline a single request to pose for a photograph. Some even took the trouble to climb in the C-47 on display and pose in the door.

The group of veterans consisted of: Shifty Powers, Earl 'One Lung" McLung, Hank Zimmerman, Ed Tipper, Bill Maynard, Don Malarkey, Herbert Suerth, Ed Joint, Buck Taylor, Jim Wingertt, Rod bain, Norm Nietzke, Roy Sater and Frank Perconte. Mr. Perconte was accompanied by James Madio, the actor who portrayed the role of Frank Perconte in the HBO series "Band of Brothers". Mr Perconte did not plan to go on the trip initially but when James heard this and showed his disappointment about this decision, he accepted the offer when Mr. Perconte asked him to accompany him on the trip.

This website is dedicated to all Allied Paratroopers of World War Two. They became a 'Band of Brothers' who enlisted for a new type of warfare. They jumped into occupied Holland on September 17th 1944 like Angels from the Sky. We will honor their heritage.